
We are native guides from the South of Morocco, our families are nomads and live in the High Atlas mountains.

Haima tradicional, feta amb pel de cabra. A la Terra Nòmada.

We are very familiar with the mountain and the desert, and we are very experienced in our work, since 1996.

We offer customized tours to fit the interests of children and adults, trekking tours, camel or mule ridings, as well as climbing experiences.


We offer an exotic and different trip. All your senses will be exalted and we guarantee that we’ll make it an unforgettable trip.

Discover beautiful landscapes and starry skies in the desert and the mountains, where you will find the true Berber culture.


We organize trekking tours following the authentic nomadic routes, and you’ll chose whether you want to do it on foot or riding a mule or a camel.


You’ll have the chance of living with Berber families, where everything is peace and calmness and where you’ll share the sound and the smell of a good tea, while enjoying a pleasant conversation.

 La Vall de les roses. Akioud.


Forn de pa tradicional fet amb fang i palla

teler tradicional, on es fan mantes i catifes








La Terra Nòmada. Gran Atles.




Ahidouss, dansa tradicional de la zona amazigha del sud i Atlas.













 Camells en plena transhumància a la Terra Nòmada

